How to programmatically navigate using React Router?

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asked 5 months agoVotes





With react-router I can use the Link element to create links which are natively handled by react router.

I see internally it calls this.context.transitionTo(...).

I want to do a navigation. Not from a link, but from a dropdown selection (as an example). How can I do this in code? What is this.context?

I saw the Navigation mixin, but can I do this without mixins?

1 Answers

In React Router v4 and above, the use of `this.context` for navigation is not recommended due to changes in the way context is handled in React. Instead, React Router provides a more flexible and recommended way to programmatically navigate without mixins.

You can achieve programmatic navigation in React Router without mixins by using the `history` object provided by React Router. `history` is a library that manages session history and allows you to navigate using JavaScript.

To programmatically navigate in React Router, you can access the `history` object from the props passed down by React Router or use the `withRouter` higher-order component to inject the `history` object into your component.

Here's an example of how you can do programmatic navigation in React Router without using mixins:

import React from 'react';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
// Function to handle navigation
handleNavigation = (path) => {

render() {
return (


// Wrap your component with withRouter to access the history object
export default withRouter(MyComponent);

In the above example, `this.props.history.push(path)` is used to programmatically navigate to the specified path when an option is selected in the dropdown.

By using the `history` object provided by React Router, you can achieve programmatic navigation without relying on mixins in React Router v4 and above.

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